Assessment and Reporting

Philosophy of Assessment:

“We have high aspirations and expectations for all students in all subjects. We believe that every student will fulfil their God given potential and will do everything in our power, as educators, to help them find the keys and unlock any barriers to achieving their goals.”

Reporting Procedures 2024 to 2025:

Over the course of an academic year all parents will have at least 3 formal points of contact from school with regards to how your child is progressing in school. This will consist of 3 different forms of contact at different times dependent on the year group, please see here for the timings. The three are a parents’ evening, a summary report and a written report, which will also contain information from form tutors.

Parents’ evenings will continue in the school building from 3.30pm until 6.30pm using SchoolCloud for the booking process.

Within summary and written reports various data will be shared. Attitude to learning (ATL) will be collected every lesson, and an average will be used on reports. In years 7, 8 and 9 “WT, WA, WB” will be awarded, which highlights whether a student (based on curriculum assessment data) is working “towards, at or beyond” what is expected for a student following our entitlement curriculum. It is important to note that in years 7, 8 and 9 the expected outcomes are progressive: this means that when a student remains on the same marker of “working at” or “working beyond”, this will represent that progress is being made in that subject. In years 10 and 11 a GCSE “current” grade will be inputted which is the grade that the student would achieve if they sat the GCSE exam at that precise time.

In year 10 all students will agree an ambitious target grade with their class teacher for the end of their GCSE course. Targets will be sent home to parents (in reports) but will not be used to measure progress.

It is important to know also that these are the formal contact points across an academic year and that class teachers, for tutors and other staff will be in touch with families in the usual manners over the year using Synergy to update with rewards, sanctions and messages.

Who do I contact if…? 

1 My child is struggling in a particular lesson/subject. Either send a synergy gateway message to your child’s class teacher in that subject FAO “Mr Smith” and the office will send the message on, or call the school office and ask for a message to “Mrs Milburn” to be passed on.
2 I am concerned about my child’s overall ATL. Please contact your child’s form teacher in the first instance either via synergy or calling the main office.
3 I have a question about the structure or content of a particular report. Either send a synergy gateway message to your child’s class teacher in that subject FAO “Mr Smith” and the office will send the message on, or call the school office and ask for a message to “Mrs Milburn” to be passed on.
4 I have a question about the structure or content of my child’s reports in general. Contact Mr Eadie via the email address –
5 I feel like my child is falling behind and I want some ideas about how to support him/her better. Please contact your child’s form teacher or class teacher, depending on what areas this relates to, either via synergy or calling the main office.

Frequently Asked Questions

1 How often will I receive a report? All parents will have, at least, three points of contact with regards to your child’s progress over the year. One will be a summary report, one a face-to-face parents’ evening and one a written report. The timings of these can be found here.
2 How are written reports created? For years 7, 8 and 9 we use a four-section structure for all our reports. The middle sections of the reports will highlight areas within which your child is strong and areas within which your child needs to improve in order to move on.

For key stages 4 and 5 there is more variety within the structure of the reports however, they still perform the same function which is to inform on attitude, behaviour and progress within each subject studied.

3 What is “ATL”? This is your child’s attitude to learning which is measured every lesson by the classroom teacher and an average is taken at each assessment point. The scale is 1 to 4, with 1 being “demonstrates brilliance”. The full definitions can be found here.
4 In years 7, 8 and 9 is it OK if my child stays at “WA” across the year? The expected outcomes are progressive: this means that when a student remains on the same marker of ‘working at’ or ‘working beyond’, this will represent that progress is being made in that subject.