
Parent Updates from The Headteacher

Please find the Headteacher’s updates below. Parent Update 16.9.24 Parent Update 9.9.24 Parent Update 5.9.24 Parent Update 2.9.24 Parent Update 26.2.2024 Parent Update 6.12.2023 Year 7 Transition Survey Nov 2023 Parent & Carer Survey November 2023 CYPP Survey 6.11.23 Parent…

Introduction to Teams

Below is a help video for parents on how to access Teams. Teams help for students If you have any other queries regarding Teams, please email

CLHS Holiday Clubs

Dear Parents and Carers, Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions and safety measures, we will not be operating the Cardinal Langley Holiday Clubs until further notice. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We will continue to review…

Remote Learning Summer Term

For more information on the curriculum for students please see each year below: Year 7 Remote Learning Curriculum – Summer 2020 Year 8 Remote Learning Curriculum – Summer 2020 Year 9 Remote Learning Curriculum – Summer 2020 Year 10 Remote…

Mindfulness Activities

The wonderful Life Skills department have put together some mindfulness colouring activities to do. Mindfulness Colouring Mandala Themed Colouring Sheets Mindfulness Colouring Patterns Colouring Bookmarks Mindfulness Colouring Plants and Growth Themed Sheets Mindfulness Colouring Sheets Bumper Pack Mindfulness Colouring Space…

Easter Provision

Letter to Parents regarding the eater provision shared between Cardinal Langley, St Annes and Middleton Technology. Middleton Easter Letter

Headteacher Letter 23 March

Dear Parent / Carer School is partially open this week for the children of NHS staff, emergency services and essential workers. We are happy to provide this service but the guidance is clear and if children can stay safely at…